After buying several shops and warehouses in (town), your shrewdness turns you into one of the most prominent merchants in town, and you soon become a wealthy man/woman known as much for your trading empire as your exploits in battle.Īs a landed noble, however minor, your future is all but assured. You've saved wisely throughout your career, and now your silver and your intelligence allow you to make some excellent investments to cement your future. People come for miles to eat or stay there due to your sheer renown and the epic stories you tell of your adventuring days. In time your growing tavern becomes a popular feasthall and meeting place. Although the locals are wary of you at first, they soon accept you into their midst. The silver you've saved doesn't last long, but it's enough to buy a small tavern in (town). You always receive a place of honour at feasts, and your exploits are told and retold in the pubs and taverns so that the children may keep a memory of you for ever and ever. In time the villagers come to treat you as their local hero. There you become a free farmer, and you soon begin to attract potential wives/husbands. The silver you've saved doesn't last long, but you manage to put together enough to buy some land near the village of (village). It doesn't take you long to fritter away what little you bothered to save, and you end up a penniless drifter, going from tavern to tavern blagging drinks from indulgent patrons by regaling them with war stories that no one ever believes. Only too late do you realise that your money won't last. Once every denar has evaporated in your hands you are forced to start a life of crime in the backstreets of (town), using your skills to eke out a living robbing coppers from women and poor townsmen. It doesn't take you long to fritter away what little you bothered to save. You end up a beggar in (town), living on alms and the charity of the church. It doesn't take you long to fritter away what little you bothered to save, and you fare poorly in several desperate attempts to start adventuring again. There are no hard caps on your score it can go below 0 and well over 5000. This can be read before actually choosing between real retirement or rejoining the game, so you don't have to risk losing your saved data. Your life post-adventuring will be shown as soon as you choose the retire option. Using 'Force save' option will not give any bonus. Finalscore = score * difficulty / 75 * difficulty / 75